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Learning Azure Document DB book

Learning Azure Document DB. Riccardo Becker

Learning Azure Document DB

ISBN: 9781783552467 | 119 pages | 3 Mb

Download Learning Azure Document DB

Learning Azure Document DB Riccardo Becker
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited

Microsoft Azure is an open, flexible, enterprise-grade cloud computing platform. Complete each activity and learn about DocumentDB's query language through topics like Syntax, Filtering, Projection, and much more. The ability to output Stream Analytics data to DocumentDB has been You can learn more about DocumentDB's query capabilities here. Document DB is not supported out of the box by Azure Machine Learning currently. Move faster, do more, and save money Database-as-a-Service. Get a visual map of the resources available to go from 0 to 60 on Azure DocumentDB. Today we released a major set of updates to Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure DB is a purpose built JSON document database that is ideal for use in developing the next generation of modern web and DocumentDB provides the scale and performanc. As the name suggests, Azure DocumentDB is a document database to query data in DocumentDB without learning any new language.". How can we improve Microsoft Azure Machine Learning? Visit DocumentDB's Query Playground and run SQL queries against the USDA nutrition dataset.

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